Software From Bad Wolf Software

SmartEdit Writer

SmartEdit Writer

New Software for Novel & Short Story Writers

New software for creative writers. Are you tired of writing your novel in Microsoft Word? You need SmartEdit Writer. Designed for creative writers, it understands you. Work on each chapter and scene, one by one. Move scenes around. Attach notes to scenes and see these notes next to the word processor as you work. Automatic backups, automatic saving, all in a crisp, modern user interface. Moving from Microsoft Word has never been easier.

SmartEdit Writer Website & Download



Editing Software for Creative Writers

First-pass editing software for writers. Make a start at editing your novel or short story with SmartEdit, and join a growing number or published authors who benefit from its many checks. Work directly with Microsoft Word or Open Office documents within SmartEdit, or use SmartEdit's reports to polish your work in your word processor of choice. Over 20 different checks are run on your novel, highlighting a host of potential problems. A fully featured, 10 day trial is available for download.

SmartEdit Website & Download



Software for Writers

A simple, distraction free writing environment that lets you get on with the business at hand -- putting words on paper, crafting your story, building your characters and worlds. PageFour handles all your files and documents, letting you focus on the writing. Import your Word files and get started in minutes. A 45 day trial version is available for download. PageFour is best suited for early-draft writing -- getting that first draft down on paper before you begin editing or formatting for publication.

PageFour Website & Download